
Here’s to more confidence, self-trust and freedom of expression.

To ease and flow, joy and excitement …

Here’s to more soulmate clients, money, impact, success, and alignment with your purpose… Here’s to your business vision coming alive! 


Unlock the path to success by healing the unconscious wounds and beliefs of the past that have been causing self-sabotage, and in turn, hindered your income. Embrace a transformative journey that not only releases you from the shackles of limiting beliefs but also unleashes your creativity, clarity, and confidence, propelling your business to unprecedented levels of success, income, and positive impact.

“Working with Nayana is so expansive” – Annette


And you know Now is your time..

Business is going ok but you know you could be reaching so many more people and be way more successful and profitable than you are…

You’re deeply committed to making your business work, you love what you do and you’re damn good at it.. 

You’ve tried ‘all the usual things’ to attract more of the people you’re here to serve but something’s not working… 

At this point you’re frustrated.

You’ve figured out something else must be going on; it can’t be your strategy…

All you know is that you get to a certain point and stop…

A lot of times, it happens just as you’re gaining amazing momentum… 

You can feel it happening but you can’t stop yourself…

You start to doubt your abilities and even the value of your offer…

The confidence you once had, starts to disappear and you’re left feeling like you just want to go and hide.

And you do…

You stop posting on social media, stop making the calls, reaching out…

And talking about your program…

Before you know it, any interest you’d been getting from people who are interested in your work stops and eventually you have to start all over again.

This cycle has repeated itself in your business more times than you can count and you’re sick and tired of it.

You want to know how you can stop doing this to yourself over and over again…

You’ve tried to stop on your own and you can’t seem to follow through…

It feels like the behavior is automatic, like second nature… 


Where dreamy clients come into your inbox out of the blue wanting to work with you…

Where your offers are magnetizing people who love your work and are happy to pay you handsomely for your services…

Where you’re attracting opportunities left and right…

Where you’re making a huge difference and impact in people’s lives…

And where you’re having more fun than you’ve ever had and enjoying the journey…

This is all possible for you once you heal the root cause of your limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging patterns, and imposter syndrome.


You don’t need another sales or marketing strategy course…

And you don’t need to repeat a set of positive affirmations.

You need to heal your inner child and connect to the magical being you were before the trauma occurred…


Reconnect with the healed child who knows true freedom of expression and Explore Your Creativity, Clarity, & Confidence

This self-study course takes you through the entire process of discovering and healing your wounded inner child once and for all, so that you can break through imposter syndrome and attract your dream clients.

In this course you’ll be given the tools to tap into YOUR particular childhood wounds so that you can do the work to heal them and shift your behaviour and make the impact you desire to make.

Are you ready to do this work and reconnect with the childhood  aspect who knows they deserve to have everything they desire? 

Who trusts themselves and knows everything is possible for them and goes all in for it unapologetically?

“The mentorship program with Nayana has been life changing.” – Noa

When you enroll and complete The Reboot program you will…

  • Easily tap into your “magical inner child”- the healed version of yourself from all those years ago. You’ll once again have access to the excited, enthusiastic and fearless aspect of you that can easily be in tune with your vision for your business
  • Uncover your specific childhood wounds and get the tools to repair them so you can finally stop holding yourself back and go All In with your business and life
  • Get to the root cause of the limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging patterns, and imposter syndrome that have plagued you for years and stopped you from realizing your full potential
  • Treat yourself with more love, compassion, and kindness than you ever have before 
  • Develop an unwavering trust in yourself and your abilities opening the doors for your creativity, clarity, and confidence as an entrepreneur or business owner to explode
  • Attract more soulmate clients, and make the moves towards creating the impact you envisioned for your business with ease and joy 
  • Feel free to express yourself and show up with confidence to serve your dream outcome 

This course is PERFECT for you if-

  • You’re a spirit-led entrepreneur or business owner who’s ready to experience more success (more income and impact) in your business
  • You believe in the power of personal development work
  • You’re self-directed and motivated to complete tasks on your own
  • You want to get to the root of your limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging patterns, and imposter syndrome once and for all
  • You are able to be very honest with yourself 
  • You’re open minded and eager to learn new ways of doing things
  • You sincerely want to succeed

This course is probably NOT for you if-

you’re not willing to do the work to create a new reality, if you’re not able to be very honest with yourself, if you’re not prepared to lead yourself to move out of your comfort zone and need someone to push you through every step.

If you recognize yourself in this, a self-study course is probably not for you and I’d encourage you NOT to buy The ReBoot program and instead look for a private 1:1 program (usually with an investment 5 x more than this).

Here’s to more confidence, self-trust and freedom of expression.

To ease and flow, joy and excitement …

Here’s to more soulmate clients, money, impact, success, and alignment with your purpose… Here’s to your business vision coming alive! 


Here’s what you will learn as you go through the course, a breakdown of what’s included in each module you’ll get access to:

This section introduces you to the course instructor and gives you an overview of the course.

The Foundation
In this module you’ll discover what the inner child is, what inner child healing is and why it’s important. You’ll learn about the 3 stages of inner child healing, what the “magical child” is, along with self-reflection questions. Also included in this module is the importance and purpose of the course.

Module 1- The Wounds
Included in this module is an opening meditation, a video that goes through the 5 primary wounds (betrayal, abandonment, rejection, humiliation, and injustice), a PDF summarizing the information from the video, and self-guided questions. There’s also journal prompts to help you integrate. 

Module 2- Guided Inner Child Healing & Energy Clearing Process
This module includes an introduction to the healing process, a guided healing and energetic clearing, and journal prompts that you can use for integration.

Module 3- Limiting Beliefs
In this module, you’ll learn which specific limiting beliefs are attached to each of the wounds. You’ll discover the limiting beliefs that you’ve collected over the years from family, friends, significant others, and other life experiences. Also included are journal prompts for integration. 

Module 4- Guided Limiting Belief Healing and Reprogramming Process
Included in this module is a healing for the magical child where you’ll actually be guided through the process of holding your child while reprogramming new beliefs into your cells and subconscious mind. Journal prompts are also included in this module.

Module 5- Overview of What you’ve Done So Far
This module includes an overview of what was covered up to this point so that you can assess where you are.

Module 6- Activation of the Magical Child Within
This module includes a guided healing and reprogramming process of the magical child and a powerful activation. This will help you to activate your inner magical child so it can become the blueprint for how you go through life and business from now on. This will make it less likely that you’ll fall back into your limiting beliefs and patterns. 

Module 7- Closing Words + Extra Resources
This module includes closing remarks, extra resources, information about how to access more support, and a section to include your feedback about your experience with the course.

“For the first time in my life, I felt understood.” – Nicole

This course is designed to be as comprehensive as possible and take you through the process once and for all of healing the root cause of your limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging patterns, and imposter syndrome.

When you enroll in this course, you get access to…

  • 9 pre-recorded sections that include all the materials you need to go through the process of dismantling your limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging patterns, and imposter syndrome through deep inner healing of your unconscious childhood wounds
  • LIFETIME access to all course materials to use as many times as you need to

The work that you’ll do in this course will lay the foundation for everything that you desire to create in your life and business moving forward, including the clients and money, but also the impact and fulfilling your purpose, something you haven’t been able to do to the best of your ability because of the unconscious wounding of the child within was holding you back.  

About nayana sol

Energy Therapist and Transformation Coach

Nayana’s expertise is helping people compassionately own and heal their past, connect to their true authentic selves, their unique gifts and qualities, and live confidently and happily in this authenticity.

She is a skilled trauma-informed Energy Therapist and Certified Transformation Coach and Mentor who specializes in accelerated healing and growth through Inner child Healing, Energy Self Mastery, and Soul Alignment.

Nayana takes the fear out of healing and instead ignites within you a burning curiosity to explore and know yourself more deeply.

Self-love, self-acceptance, and self-trust become natural in Nayana’s world, enabling you to perceive yourself and life through completely new eyes, and take determined action to create the life you desire and deserve.